Case study
Podcast Ep. 8: How Loci Controls automates landfill methane gas collection
Podcast Ep. 8: How Loci Controls automates landfill methane gas collection
What happens to your bag of trash after you throw it in the dumpster? Most of us probably don't want to think in depth about this, but it's a problem that is constantly on the mind of this week's guest.
We had the pleasure of chatting with Matthew Laderer, Director of Engineering and Product Development at Loci Controls. Loci Controls' automated landfill gas collection platform increases landfill gas collection by 20% or more, ensures less methane is being released into the atmosphere, and reduces environmental, health, and safety risks.
We discuss what exactly Loci Controls does and why it's mission is so important, Matt's involvement with the company, his experience going from mechanical engineer to sourcing circuit boards, and more
Show notes:
- Follow up question from previous episode: "You guys recommend to explicitly request filling those vias so the molten solder doesn't drain through it in the reflow stage. I was wondering why you don't do this by default for all vias with solder paste on them?"
- More pcb design tips -
- Chris' pet peeve/design tip of the week: include the silkscreen outline of overhanging parts
- For more information on Loci Controls you can visit:
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