
CircuitHub is certified to the following accredited standards:

ISO 9001 logo

ISO 9001:2015

CircuitHub is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company - Certificate number 56 100 20560040. CircuitHub is dedicated to providing quality and on-time products. We are continuously improving our processes within our compliant Quality Management System.

ROHS certified icon

ROHS Compliance

CircuitHub certifies that all finished goods that are produced by CircuitHub, Inc are fully ROHS-3 compliant.

IPC member icon

Certified IPC Specialists

Our trained assembly technicians have completed IPC-A-610 Training and Certification for Acceptability of Electronics Assembly.

UL Approved

Our bare board suppliers are UL approved manufacturers. On request, we can add UL markings to boards.

Certificate of Compliance

This document is evidence of conformity that all orders meet the requirements ofCircuitHub's Quality Management System and/or Purchase Order requirementsagreed upon between the customer and CircuitHub.

Why CircuitHub?

  • Affordable, quick-turn PCB assemblies in 3 days
  • Easy scalability gets you to market faster
  • Experience building highly complex boards
  • Ready to order, full-turnkey quote in minutes
  • Quality process and certifications you can trust

Ready to get started?

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